Monday, October 29, 2012

Birth of my blog, a dream-fueled beginning.

In the Beginning....

I've felt like my mind has been on a five year hiatus. Basically, if creativity was a muscle, mine is a limp noodle stuck to the bottom of the pot after all the pasta was dumped out. What seems like ages ago I was an early 20-something who was looking for the next creative outlet centered around instant gratification. (Cue romantic music/) A doe-eyed leaf blowing in the free wind, caring not what the world thought of my restless soul, only breathing to flit from work and events in search of laughter, creative inspiration and unconditional love... Enter reality in the form of my first child, Eliora.

 Five years later, I am discombobulated (I love that word,) yet responsible (ugh) mother of three who is happily married, fatter (I conveniently blame the pregnancy munchies,) and aged fifteen years (five for each child.) Now, my idea of creative expression is being able to simultaneously rock the baby's lounger with one foot and repeatedly yell at my two year old to get his hands out of the toilet while putting makeup on without ending up looking like Pennywise on a caffeine binge.  

But such is life. /end ego deflation

So anyway, I'm on a journey. Not only a zen-inspired journey of self discovery and growth, but one to begin exercising my limp noodle of a creative mind so I can expand my horizons beyond potty training, dirty dishes, and the grocery store! 

Let there be..JEWELRY!

Like most females I know, jewelry has always been something I use as a way to be a living Christmas tree daily. But my appreciation for creative and quality jewelry has always went beyond the adornment factor. As a child growing up in Japan, I was part of the friendship-bracelet weaving boom. Then came the beading fad. I recall spending hours carefully weaving my name with pink beads against a background of lime green into a bracelet then wearing it as if were part of my skin. Until one day, after I had washed my hands, it broke and the beads scattered everywhere like mice escaping my wrist. That's the day I realized that sewing thread doesn't hold up well with beads. And so I learned that quality is an investment.

Fast forward to today. 

People catch me staring at them all the time. But really, I'm not staring at them, but the jewelry they are wearing. I'm inspired by how people portray themselves. This is part of the reason I began making jewelry a year ago. I'd see beautiful pieces people were wearing and think to myself, "Wow. That's beautiful. I bet I make that." And so the idea for my own business was born. 

Since I began my new obsession during the pregnancy of my third child, I haven't been very consistent with it. Now that my son is out (oh the relief) and he's a little over 2 months, I'm ready to dive back in head first, eyes wide open. Over the past year most of my creations were inspired by loved ones that that I gifted with my jewelry, but after much ego-inflation and prodding, I'm ready to show my art to everyone outside of my circle. 

Wish me luck!