Happy new 2013 to all!!
Like most normal people, I have a lot of resolutions for the new year, most of which are just old resolutions I have from the previous new year that basically they boil down to one big ol' resolution: to simply stick to one, or ANY resolution at all. So since my resolutions to battle the bulge, spend more time with friends and family, take over the world, stop expecting the zombie apocalypse, yada yada yada have YET to work, I'm taking a different approach this year. A philosophical, enlightened, almost biblical approach to making a positive change. One that will be constant, yet oh so changing. And here it is:
To love and show love more.
Yes, I know, I'm basically saying what the Christian bible says. But I realized that on top of doing a better job of wholly loving myself (which comes naturally because we are all selfish beings,) I resolve to better love and show love to everyone. Yes, in that tree-hugging-ganja-smoking-peace-not-war hippy kind of way. Not just my family and friends, but the lonely floor waxing guy at Walmart and the sour bank teller who snaps. Everyone needs lovin'.
I made a pretty scrapbooked reminder note for my bathroom mirror with this quote to start off my new year on how to act on this resolution:
"I shall pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."
At least this is one resolution that isn't that hard to stick to. Being nice isn't hard if you're able to put yourself in other people's shoes, right? Wait, nevermind. That is hard. Otherwise we wouldn't have war and famine. Well, at least I can at least try to work on it.
Peace and love!
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